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Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18-22, 2010

Dear parents and students, can you believe it's already quarter 3?!  Here is what we will be doing in classes this week:

Kindergarten:  We will finish our work with clothing vocabulary, and we will have a quiz on Wednesday.  Also, we will learn briefly about shape words (circle, diamond, etc.)

Grade 1:  We will do some reading and writing activities to help us learn new sight words (words that we should be able to read just by looking at them).

Grade 2:  We will finish our work with health vocabulary, and we will have a quiz on Wednesday.  We will also do some work with sight words (words that we should be able to read just by looking at them).

Grade 4:  We will begin reading The Secret Garden together in class.  We will alternate our reading days with writing days when we will be writing narrative stories.

Middle School:  We will practice skimming and scanning articles, we will listen to a speech and take notes, and we will talk about collocations (the way words fit together naturally in the English language, ex."do homework" instead of "make homework").